Workcamp Vaiano 2014

IN ARRIVO IL WORKCAMP A VAIANO_SOFIGNANO –> workcamp vaiano scheda ita


Vaiano International Workcamp

full information are available in the infosheet_Vaiano 2014 that you have received by e-mail. PLEASE READ CAREFULLY Infosheet

DATES: 30th July-13th August

LOCATION:The Municipality of Vaiano in the Province of Prato counts 10.000 inhabitants. The outstanding landscape and its villages diplaced all over the green mounts of Vaiano. Make it the perfect place where to enjoy nature, history and culture just few km far from the main city Prato. Vaiano is a lively place with several cultural and leisure public activities offered to the citizenship and tourist all over the year. All the main facilities are diplaced in the center of Vaiano shops, banks, post office, public offices and library, public bus and train and connection to other cities. For further information Please visit: .The workcamp will take place in the small locality of Sofignano, just 2 km far away from the center of Vaiano. Sofignano grows within the valleys of Calvana’s mounts. The main natural elements of this area consist in the Calvana’s mounts system. Where the landscape and panorama allow tourists and hikers to admire from the top of the mountain all the land where Prato-Pistoia-Florence are displaced. Further information on natural landslide of Vaiano territory can be found at this weblink:


WHERE? The meeting point will be in VAIANO TRAIN STATION WHEN? The 1° Meeting point will be on Wednesday 30th July at 2.00 p.m (14.00) The 2° Meeting point will be on Wednesday 30th July at 7.00 p.m (19.00)



Volunteers will be involved in working activities for about 30 hours per week. The working hours will be during the early morning in order to avoid too much sun/hot exposure.

The aims of the workcamp is to clean, cut grasses, restore part of benches of a low-hill pathway for hikers and bycycle running close to main river Bisenzio. The other task volunteers are called to accomplish is to clean and cut grass of a so called “Strada Bianca” leading to “Vigna di Venere”, one of the most important historical/naturalistic witnesses of Vaiano countryside in the frame of Calvana’s mounts system protected area

Vaiano_Sofignano International Workcamp will join the initiative ENERGY FREE DAY

energy-free-day (2)

For information write to:

Facebook: Legambiente Prato

Facebook group: Workcamps Legambiente Prato 2014.

Pictures of the workcamps can be tagged on Instagram and Twitter:

hashtag; #summervolunteer, #legambienteprato   mention:@volontariambiente