EVS Volunteers, 2018-19




Elizaveta Gavrilenko / 28 anni / Nizhniy Novgorod, Russia

Ciao a tutti!Kn_VPgdsywI

My name is Elizabeth and I’m from Russia. I studied international journalism at the university. Last three years before coming to Italy I lived in Moscow and worked for a radio station.

First time when I learned how important it is to take care of nature was when my grandfather told me. We were walking along the river, and he told me that many years ago this river was wider and deeper. Even ships could sail down it, and there were a lot of fish in its waters. But since the reservoir was built upstream, the river has been shallow, and many kinds of fish have disappeared.

Therefore, the topic of ecology is very important and interesting to me. For many times in my job I had to write news about environmental problems in Russia. I was particularly interested in communicating with environmentalists for writing texts that would help people understand the importance of these problems.

Thanks to my project with Legambiente Prato I can understand this topic even more deeply.


Elnara / 22 anni / Baku, Azerbaigian


My name is Elnara. I am 21 years old girl from Baku, the bright and colorful capital of Azerbaijan. I am a person that has the eagerness to learn more every day in order to become a greater person. I posses communicational skills due to my volunteering activities. I am enthusiastic and friendly one, who loves to socialize.

I had the privilege of working for AIESEC in a volunteer role in Bosnia and Herzegovina and then continued my path in Azerbaijan as a manager of 2 international projects, as an operation manager of foreingers’ group and recruitment manager for locals.

I learned valuable professional skills such as customer service, project planning, operating procedures, critical thinking and marketing communications. Additionally, I have a lot of hobbies like being guide for foreingers, attend dance master classes ,sport competitions, reading books and learning languages.

Why EVS? I didn’t want to «stop» my «international experience» and it was the main goal to try ERASMUS. Currently I am volunteering here in Prato and it is amazing , multitasking and interesting!

Challenge yourself , leave your comfort zone and apply for EVS because it is worth it!


Francisco Gómez Regenjo / 28 anni / Asados, Galizia, SpagnaIMG_1614

Mi chiamo Francisco, ma tutti mi chiamano Fachi. Vengo da dove i romani pensavano finisse il mondo: la Galizia. Ho 28 anni e ho studiato comunicazione audiovisiva, fotografia e illuminazione. Dopo 2 anni di ricerca di un lavoro ho deciso di fare il Servizio Volontario Europeo.
Sono molto interessato alla natura, le scienze naturali, l’ambiente e lo sviluppo delle aree rurali. Per questo ho scelto spendere un anno a lavorare con Legambiente Prato. Durante il tempo che starò qui, spero acquisire conoscenze sull’ecologia, lavoro sociale e attività associative. Ma, sopratutto, imparare una nuova lingua e conoscere delle belle persone. Insomma, vivere una esperienza che cambi la mia vita.


İpek Altıntaş / 23 anni / Smirne, Turchia

Ciao tutti!

My name is İpek Altıntaş. I am 24 years old and from Turkey. I am graduated from International Relations departmant of Ege University. During my study I have started part time work at Eurodesk Point and this is how I took my firstt step into Erasmus Plus. After that I made my Eramus in Bologna for one year.

When I come back to Izmir I have become Red Crescent volunteer, until I started my volunteer journey in Prato. I am totally travel addicted, open for new cultures, new people, new cusines, new projects. Basically everything new! I read books, specially related my interests such as war history, diplomacy, philosophy and sci-fi. My another passion is food. I love cooking and baking new, spontaneous and healthy recipes in the same time discovering the food culture.

I wished to be part of this project because I really wanted to improve my management skills, to advance speaking and writing in another language, to create usefull outcomes for the society and to rise awereness of youth opportunities.

Thank you for your attention.

Mariam / 22 anni / ArmeniaIMG_20170816_234129_094


My name is Mariam, I’m 22 and I come from a beautiful and mountainous Armenia. I have gained my BA in pedagogy in Armenia, worked in different companies, participated in various volunteering projects. My curiosity in teaching and environment led me to Prato, Italy where currently I am doing my EVS project with Legambiente.

We must understand that we live in an environment which should be protected not only for our kids but also for their grandchildren. By taking care of the environment we take care about ourselves. Thus, whatever you do, it doesn’t matter what business you run, don’t forget to take care of yourself.